Inner Ramblings

Archive for March 2013


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I just saw this on Facebook and as my previous post discussed, this is exactly what I don’t want to happen. The story and the characters are unique. Please let’s not compare them.

Written by zowelizabeth

March 20, 2013 at 6:12 pm

The Host

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Today, I read on The Host Facebook page that Stephenie Meyer plans to write a sequel to The Host, and I must admit I was as excited as a fan of the book should be. The Host, in my opinion, works well as a story in it’s own right. Since seeing the trailer for the Host film, I have gone between highly anticipating it, and doubting where they will take it. I have a constant fear that The Host may end up being compared to Stephenie Meyer’s other series, Twilight.

As soon as people hear that The Host is by Stephenie Meyer, whether a fan or not, they immediately judge it. I’d like to make it clear that there are no sparkly vampires or bestiality in The Host, and it is fact aimed at a more adult audience, whereas Twilight is in the Young Adult category.  My concern is The Host will be misinterpreted as just for a teenage audience and the story will suffer for it.
I’m hoping, of course, the film, released on the 29th March, will prove me wrong, and they will have hit the proverbial nail on the head, that my worries would have been for nothing. So I will post after seeing the film and hopefully I will have been proven wrong.

Written by zowelizabeth

March 20, 2013 at 11:35 am


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Apologies for moaning but I have a feeling of impending isolation.

I recently lost a friend who simply decided we weren’t friends anymore, and I wasn’t actually given a legitimate reason for this. However, we’re still friends with the rest of the group, and I’m worried this will eventually lead to awkward situations, more so for our friends, which I don’t want to happen.

As for my other friends, people have a tendency to be unreliable. I’ll meet someone, we’ll become good friends, and then they’ll disappear because they get distracted my someone/something else or in some cases they want more than friendship but I don’t reciprocate. So I am then left feeling lonely, because the person you spent time with, and spoke to has just… Gone. I attempt to keep in touch but my attempts are futile.

And now all this has lead me to believe I’m just going to end up fully alone. I don’t know if anyone has been or is in a similar situation, and has any advice, but I feel like I need to approach new friendships differently. It’s made me wary. Advice etc would be welcome, thanks.

Written by zowelizabeth

March 20, 2013 at 12:16 am

Fire cannot kill a dragon…

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but walk through fire on Spyro and it takes some of your life. Hmm.

Written by zowelizabeth

March 18, 2013 at 11:26 pm

Daydream Diaries.

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Everyday I get lost in my own meandering thoughts. They serve as a happy distraction from the real world. Sometimes random, nonsensical or even philosophical, I thought I’d start sharing them.

People tend to make me jump a lot because to me they appear out of nowhere and shock me out of my own daydream, and all they really did is ask me if they can try something on? (Note: I work in a clothes store, but yeah.)

Anywho, stay tuned for the first entry.

Written by zowelizabeth

March 18, 2013 at 11:23 pm

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I hope to become better at blogging and writing in general as I post, so forgive me if my posts aren’t the best to begin with. Writing is something I’ve always loved and really miss since leaving college, so bare with me and fingers crossed my spark will return.

Written by zowelizabeth

March 15, 2013 at 10:16 pm

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Cyber bullying

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How ironic that I should talk about this via the Internet, but after watching a VT featured on tonight’s Comic Relief about a teenage boy who took his own life, it reminded be about the massive impact one persons words can have on another. Bullying is a subject covered time and time again. I often wonder if bullies that sit and watch bullying discussed on TV, read about it in magazines, hear about it from friends, are just as shocked and disgusted as everyone else, because they simply don’t realise they have done it. 

Over half of teens have been a victim of cyber-bullying and about the same have been the bully. Only 1 in 10 teens tell a parent that they are being cyber-bullied. People choose to attempt to deal with the bullies themselves as the problem develops, which can lead to depression, self-harm and in extreme cases suicide.
Cyber- bullying has become an ever increasing issue due to it’s many forms and the ways it can be done. 
Examples include: 
Mean and hurtful messages online/by text
Rumours spread online/by text
Threatening text messages
Hacking into social networking accounts and sending damaging messages
Creating and spreading pictures relating to sexuality, appearance, etc.
And now bullies are given the option to post anonymously. 
The story I saw is just one of many like it throughout the world and that is the saddest part of it all. ‘A bit of fun’ can cost a life. I just hope that it makes people think twice before they decide to send that unpleasant message. Think about the effect one derogatory word from them can have on another. Try to imagine if someone you know was being effected by cyber-bullying.
If you are a victim of cyber-bullying, please, please tell someone. As clichéd as it sounds, you are not alone.
[stats found on]
[childline: 0800 1111]
[comic relief: 03457 910 910]

Written by zowelizabeth

March 15, 2013 at 9:58 pm


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I haven’t yet decided what my blog will consist of. 

Probably my inner ramblings.



Written by zowelizabeth

March 13, 2013 at 5:59 pm

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